Conveyancing, property, divorce and deceased estate lawyers in Cape Town
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Conveyancers in Pinelands

Compare 11 transfer lawyers with 4 property law firms practicing conveyancing in Pinelands (including Conradie Park, Epping Industria, Maitland Garden Village, Ndabeni, Oude Molen Village, Pinewood Village, Thornton and Viking Park). Being listed on this page in no way implies an endorsement; be sure to carry out a full due diligence behore hiring a property lawyer.

Email to be listed on this page as a Pinelands conveyancer or real estate agent.

The following conveyancers are based in the Pinelands suburb of Cape Town:

  1. Alexander Manson; member number 79022 with the Legal Practice Council
  2. David Fialkov; member number 78712 with the Legal Practice Council
  3. Hendrik Jacobus Beste; member number 78527 with the Legal Practice Council
  4. Marc David Leon; member number 85733 with the Legal Practice Council
  5. Melandi Vermeulen; member number 87139 with the Legal Practice Council
  6. Michael Alexander Cooper; member number 80874 with the Legal Practice Council
  7. Michael Fialkov; member number 78487 with the Legal Practice Council
  8. Mogammed Wafiq Davids; member number 91498 with the Legal Practice Council
  9. Natalie Macdonald Spence; member number 96482 with the Legal Practice Council
  10. Stratford John Lemboe; member number 85603 with the Legal Practice Council
  11. Waseemah Doutie; member number 95691 with the Legal Practice Council
NB: Do NOT hire a conveyancing attorney who is not a member of a the Legal Practice Council!

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Law firms in Pinelands with conveyancing ability

Top Law firms with conveyancers in Pinelands (subjectively) rated with best at the top: