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Move out of house prior to divorce?

"Can I move out of the house prior to the divorce" is one of most common questions which an attorney is asked during a divorce consultation. It is very much a personal decision whether to do this or not. There is however an age old saying that “possession is nine tenths of the law”.

Losing right to move back in

Should you move out of the house, you cannot simply move back into the house a few months down the line.

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Allowing access to estate agents to sell the house

Moving out of the house may however lead to problems at a later stage, specifically when the property is sold, as the party who is in occupation of the house may not allow estate agents in to value the property. Thousands of Rands may at a later stage need to be spent on bringing a further application to court after the divorce, or even prior to the divorce, to allow estate agents access to the premises.

Mother packing her car with suitcases and children, to leave home

Consent paper's property clause

A Consent Paper should be properly drafted and include:
  • A clause relating to a time period within which a property should be sold after the divorce. For example, “The property shall be listed for sale within 30 days of the divorce decree and sold within 180 days of listing".
  • Ensure there is a clear agreement on access for estate agents. For example: “Both parties shall allow estate agents reasonable access to the property during the selling period. If access is denied, the party obstructing the sale may be compelled to provide access through a court order.”
  • It should have a clause stating that if one party does not sign documents for the transfer of the property, the Sheriff may sign on behalf of that person.
  • It should also state that the property may be sold by auction if it is not sold within a certain time after the divorce. For instance, “Should the property remain unsold 180 days after listing, it may be sold by auction if both parties do not agree on an extension.”
  • Specify who will handle property maintenance and repairs. For example, “The party residing in the property shall be responsible for ongoing maintenance and repairs until the property is sold.”
  • Address who will maintain property insurance. For example, “The residing party shall maintain homeowner’s insurance and provide proof of coverage to the departing party.”

At present the property market is quite slow, and there is a tendency for the parties not to stipulate a time period within which the property should be sold.

Selling property when children turn 18

A common clause in a Consent paper is also that the property should be sold once the children turn 18, but that if the party who occupies the property remarries, then the property will be sold immediately. Generally the person who occupies the property must pay the rates accounts. The property can also be sold before the divorce goes through.

Domestic abuse

I would advise a client to move out of the house prior to the divorce if there is a significant level of domestic abuse and the client feels as though his/her life is in danger, or the lives of the children are in danger. The abuse can be physical, verbal, emotional, financial or sexual.

Paying the bond

Should you move out of the house you will definitely lose your right to move back in should you wish to, but you will not lose your rights to the equity in the property, depending on who carries on to pay the bond after you move out. A point may be taken in a divorce case that if a party moves out of the house and does not pay bond payments, that party will lose his/her right to share in the appreciation of the property as of the date of moving out.

Attorney Allan Baker and paralegal in an office at law firm, Cloete, Baker & Partners

This article was written by Cape Town divorce law specialist, Peter M Baker

Lady Justice

Info on Divorce & fixed Property

Alongside any pension fund investments; the house or flat being lived in is often the biggest asset in a divorce.


Ask about moving out prior to divorce here.