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Other Divorce-related articles

Child-related divorce matters

Can a "band-aid baby" save a marriage?

Annexure A

If there are minor children involved, the divorce summons must have an Annexure A attached to it.

Custody of children upon divorce

Jurisdiction in child custody matter

Joint decisions with respect to minor children

Using Rule 43 to apply for interim custody entitlement

Child custody for the father
When a child won't see his/her father or mother

Custody & drugs

An unborn child when divorcing

Grandparents & divorce

Challenging the family advocate report

Child maintenance matters

Maintenance & custody of adopteed children

Maintenance for the unborn child

Children suing for maintenance

Abduction & kidnapping of children

Abduction of a minor - Latest case law

The kidnapping of minor children by a parent

The international abduction of children from South Africa.

International divorces, children & overseas issues

Divorce when the children & spouse are overseas

When your child and ex move overseas - keeping contact

Other child-divorce matters

Handicapped children & the divorce rate

Children and marital problems

National register of those unsuited to working with children


Affairs and their impact on divorce settlements.

Assets/debt and divorce

The duty to disclose your financials when divorcing.

Divorce & finances

Insufficent disclosure from a spouse on their assets/liabilities; the section 7 notice remedy (in terms of the Matrimonial Property Act)

Division of the joint estate in the event of a divorce.

Movable assets - what to take if you move out.

Protection of assets using a trust

Debt Review and Divorce

Working together and divorce

Conveyancing books: (1) The Practitioners Guide to Conveyancing and Notarial Practice (2) Consolidated Chief Registrar of Deeds' Circulars and Conference Resolutions, (3) The Law and Practising of Conveyancing in South Africa

Divorce & pension fund assets

Divorce and pension fund payouts

Get your info directly from spouse's pension fund, not indirectly from your spouse.

Undisclosed Pension Interest at divorce results in amendment to divorce order

Pension interest in the accrual calculation, and the related tax liability

State pension fund is unconstitutional

Navy pension payout post-divorce

Unmarried couples & pensions

Property and divorce

Be careful with how you word the clauses about selling the property upon divorce

Should you move out of the matrimonial house prior to divorce?

Property in your spouse's name

When parents have rights to stay at the property you want to sell on divorce.

Life insurance, death & divorce

Life insurance & divorce in South Africa

Death in the middle of divorce

Inheritance & divorce

Divorce & future expenses

Divorce & Future medical expenses

Marriage (COP vs ANC), cohabition and Universal partnerships

Antenuptial contracts

The postnuptial contract

Marriage in community of property
Short definition of a marriage in community of property
Forfeiture of benefits of marriage in community of property - Wijker v Wijker 1993
Kooverjee v Kooverjee

The co-habitation agreement

Rights for those in Universal partnerships

Treatise on the Contract of Partnership: By Pothier ; with the Civil Code and Code of Commerce ... (1854)

Null declaration of customary union

Divorce orders

Vary or rescind a divorce order

Change divorce order without court application

Non-compliance with a divorce order

Contempt of Consent Paper

Spangenberg & Another vs De Waal; Rule 43 order is set aside

Perjury & forgery

Perjury in the court papers

Divorce: Forging spouse's signature

Divorce courts

Divorce & the day in court

Divorce cases in the Cape High Court

Annulment instead of divorce

What is annulment of a marriage?

What are the grounds for annulment of a marriage?

Lady Justice

Family, Estate & notarial legal services


Ask about do-it-yourself divorces here.