Conveyancing, property, divorce and deceased estate lawyers in Cape Town
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Best Price Guarantee for Online Conveyancing Bookings

With the plethora of options available for conveyancing services, making a choice can feel overwhelming, especially when considering the accompanying prices can feel high. Introducing CapeTownLawyer's unbeatable Best Price Guarantee for online conveyancing services, designed to ease your selection worries. Here's how it works: If you find a lower price for the same property (in South Africa only) and purchase price within 24 hours of booking with us, simply share the details, and we'll allow you to negotiate us down to that price or step aside, allowing you to switch to the lower fee provider hassle-free.

Now, enjoy the freedom to effortlessly secure the most affordable conveyancing services.

Book a conveyancer now

The Fine Print

At CapeTownLawyer, our commitment to providing you with the best price on conveyancing services is unwavering. Here's how our Best Price Guarantee works:

To qualify for our guarantee, simply follow these steps:

  1. Find a cheaper "like-for-like" price elsewhere (on an arms length transaction, please don't bring us a quote from your uncle)
  2. Send us the confirmation of pricing to within 24 hours of your appointing us, including a full breakdown of the costs (e.g. seperating out attorney transfer fees).
  3. Ensure the comparison meets the following criteria:
    • Same property
    • Same offer price
    • Like-for-like comparison, including the same offer to purchase, fringe benefits like travel vouchers, estate agent fees and quality of delivery commitment.
    • Price obtained from a South African based website or law firm
    • Excluding everything but Attorney Transfer Fees.
Property lawyer holding a miniature house symbolising her care for a house she is selling

Our Best Price Guarantee will not apply in the following circumstances:

Rest assured, we're here to ensure you get the best deal possible on your conveyancing services hassle-free.

Lawyer at desk studying Conveyancer Costs per the Law Society of South Africa

Property transfer & sale Info

Sellers of property & buyers, speak to a property lawyer before you hire an estate agent!

Conveyancing & property transfer discussion forum

Note that this is a public forum - exercise caution before acting on info and use at own risk. Anybody may ask and answer, and you don't know what their level of expertise is. No information on this website should be acted on without first consulting with a lawyer to test its validity. Do not share private details here.

Person handing a house to another person in front of a South African flag, symbolising the transfer of property from seller to buyer.