Reasons for divorce
Here's some common reasons for divorce:
Abusive behaviour (towards spouse/children; can be physical, verbal or sexual)
Active addiction to alcohol
Different expectations about rearing or having children
Untimely death of a child
Lack of communication
Not able to resolve conflicts
Active addiction to drugs (including child drug abuse)
Different expectations about housework
Developing a cyber-sexual-relationship on an internet chat site
Developing a sexual relationship with another person (extra marital affairs)
Financial difficulties
Imprisonment or criminal behaviour
Intellectual incompatibility
Use of pornography
Whilst being business partners may not be the root cause of the divorce, it may result in partners not having the space to resolve underlying problems.
Reasons for not getting divorce
Some people think a reason not to get divorced is being too old (many disagree).
Religious reasons for not getting divorced.
Info on Divorces & Pension Fund assets
Alongside the house being lived in; holdings in pension funds are often the biggest assets in a divorce.
NB: Under the new 2 pot system law, you must formally notify your spouse's pension fund in writing about the divorce proceedings, along with providing proof. Once this notice is given, the pension fund is legally prohibited from permitting any withdrawals, loans, or guarantees without the consent of the non-member spouse.
Proposed two pot retirement system and impact on divorce settlements:
- Faking divorce to withdraw retirement savings
- Faking divorce to effect a tax arbitrage while withdrawing retrement savings
- Changes to Government Employees Pension Rules when divorcing
Get your info directly from spouse's pension fund, not indirectly from your spouse.
Divorce and pension fund payouts
Undisclosed Pension Interest at divorce results in amendment to divorce order
Pension interest in the accrual calculation, and the related tax liability.
Living annuities & divorce - how to value and divide an asset you can't liquidate.
When the state pension fund refused to pay
Navy pension payout post-divorce
Divorce & pension funds discussion forum
Note that this is a public forum which is best treated the same as a public toilet - use at own risk. Anybody may ask and answer, and you don't know what their level of expertise is. No information on this website should be acted on without first consulting with a lawyer. Do not share private details here.