Conveyancing, property, divorce and deceased estate lawyers in Cape Town
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This is not an exhaustive list; careful thought has gone into the selection of what we currently believe to be the top attorney in each category, but they are human and we will not be held liable should things go wrong.

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  • 19 Feb 2025. Check out the draft transfer duty rates for South Africa to Feb 2026.
  • 10 Feb 2025. There are 490 advocates who are members of the Cape Bar; but how do you know which of them are skilled at the expertise you are looking for? Introducing our new tool to find an advocate; you can specify what expertise you are looking for (e.g. property) and then it'll show you all advocates in Cape Town with that skillset. This is a prototype; please contact us if you can improve on the information.
  • 23 Jan 2025. Do you need a document legally authenticated for use abroad; if the country is part of the Hague Apostille Convention then you can benefit from a simplified authentication process: get a notary to help you get an apostille, after having the document notarised. The apostille is the key to international recognition within Convention countries, and it's issued in South Africa by the Department of International Relations and Cooperation (DIRCO).
  • 20 Jan 2025. Attention those requiring legal assistance in Bellville! We have started a page where we've highlighted our pick of the pack for each category of legal expertise. Click here to see details. So if you have a CY numberplate there's no need to struggle to find a quality attorney near you. If you are an attorney based in or near Bellville, please contact us so that we may consider including you (free for now). Simultaneously to this, we have set up a page focusing on finding a notary public in Bellville; so that you don't have to travel too far to get documents authenticated.
  • 6 Jan 2025. Are you looking for a notary public to authenticate a power of attorney? Discover highly-rated Notary Publics in each suburb of Cape Town.

Document title POWER OF ATTORNEY with a stamp for a Notary Public Cape Town

  • 3 Jan 2025. If you are a quality family attorney in Cape Town, contact us to be placed on the family lawyers list (free for now).

  • 3 Jan 2025. If you are a female lawyer, contact us to be placed on the list of female attorneys in Cape Town (free for now).

  • 1 Jan 2025. We have launched an attorney search tool on many of our pages - see above in green on the homepage. Let the tool know what type of attorney you are looking for (e.g. criminal, labour, deceased estate) and which suburb of Cape Town is convenient for you, and the tool will give you the name of an attorney; who you can then perform due diligence on to see whether they meet your requirements and standards.

Family, Estate & notarial legal services

  • 1 Jan 2025. How to transfer property from husband to wife. Remember to think about tax - transfer duty, donations tax and capital gains tax - all may come into play; and you may want to also think about the alternative of leaving the property to your wife in your will and its tax impact (e.g. no transfer duty but estate duty may come into play).

Spousal transfer of property checklist. 1 find top property lawyer, 2 should it be purchased, 3 donations tax,  <Capital gains tax, 5 transfer duty -

Path serving multiple houses with a notarial deed of servitude

  • 17 Dec 2024. Are you an estate planning attorney in Cape Town; we are in the process of creating a curated list of the highly-rated estate lawyers in the city - drop us a note to nominate somebody.
Book standing up called Directory of Cape Town Attorneys Regulation 910 of the Attorneys Act being presented on by Cape Town lawyer Cape Town attorneys
  • 29 Nov 2024. Want to register a trust? Here's a list of trust fund lawyers in Cape Town we have just started (trust attorneys, please also contact us to be placed on the list).
Couple searching for a trust attorney near us in Cape Town, whilst sitting on Table Mountain
  • 26 Nov 2024. If there is no last will and testament, then who the next of kin are, should be established and a form J192 filled in, which is an affidavit setting out the particulars of the next-of-kin. An executor must be nominated by the next-of-kin; this is done by filling in a letter of nomination to act as executor and submitting it to the Master of the High Court of South Africa, together with accompanying documents such as the Acceptance of Trust to act as Executor.
Cape Town Lawyer presenting on Letters of Nomination to Act as Executor Presenters on guiding your private property sale with a conveyancer
  • 21 Nov 2024. When a loved one passes, as difficult as it is, there are certain practical steps which need to be taken, such as applying for a death certificate.
  • 20 Nov 2024. When applying for letters of executorship from the Master of the High Court, form J190 must be completed and submitted in duplicate.
Presentation on conveyancers in Athlone by CapeTownLawyer Notary public with pen and paper at desk, ready to take instructions
  • 17 Oct 2024. We are compiling a list of highly experienced deceased estate lawyers in Cape Town. Contact us to be placed on the list if you are a quality estate attorney in Cape Town who puts clients first.
Deceased estate quote being presented by an estate attorney, with the quotation being 2% of the gross assets of the estate Lawyer shaking hands with property seller in front of a house with a sold sign, symbolising their agreement on the conveyancing charges.
  • 4 Oct 2024. You may be somebody's next of kin (e.g. mother/father) who has died and not left a will. To assist, here is a list of rated deceased estate administrators in Cape Town (if you know of a professional who is missing from the list and you recommend, kindly let us know).
Sun setting and a couple holds hands, text is estate lawyer near me in Cape Town - CapeTownLawyer
  • 3 Oct 2024. Letter of executorship requirements, the cost of the application (zero upfront) and lawyers to act as agent (e.g. if there's property which needs to be transferred) or executor.
Newspaper ad for a licensed conveyancer in Cape Town Lady sold property; criminal off with money

Struisbaai properties on the beach

Under the new 2 pot retirement system's law, you must formally notify your spouse's pension fund in writing about the divorce proceedings, along with providing proof. Once this notice is given, the pension fund is legally prohibited from permitting any withdrawals, loans, or guarantees without the consent of the non-member spouse.

Lawyer shaking hands with client on farm.

Lady sitting in front of property with money Lady with packed bags and leaving home with car
  • 15 June 2024. Many people set up usufruct agreements under SA law to allow their surviving spouse to stay at their marital home after their death, but so that after the death of their spouse the property ownership reverts to their children; but this can become a lasting burden to their kids.
Child sleeping outside house in the dark Experienced attorney on phone to a younger attorney Conveyancing secretary writing at desk on lawn in front of large house
  • 19 May 2024. Looking for a conveyancing attorney in Bellville? You are spoiled for choice; click this link and CY! Here's a list of 80 transfer attorneys and 8 property law firms in Bellville. Photo below is of the offices of Ipser, Terblanche and Donnelly; conveniently situated on Voortrekker Road opposite the Bellville Magistrate's Court.
Office building of Ipser, Terblanche and Donnelly
  • 18 May 2024. Not everybody knows that they can apply for a FLISP housing subsidy from Government, of up to R169k if their household income is low enough. Read the article to check whether you qualify.
Lady receiving keys to a house, with children in background Candidate attorney standing and holding a book open Husband working on computer and wife ironing Cape Law chambers building from the outside
  • 12 May 2024. There are free lawyer services in Cape Town - we get so many requests for free legal advice, that we have written an article about it, to direct people to the Pro Bono and Legal Aid organisations.
Westminister House building on Adderley Street, Cape Town
  • 10 May 2024. Muslim divorces are now regulated under the amended Divorce Act; with the President signing the Divorce Amendment Bill into the statutes on the 9th May.
Muslim husband with pregnant wife and children in front of a mosque with Table Mountain in the background
  • 9 May 2024. Transfer attorney fees are rising by about 5.3 percent, effective from 27 May 2024.
  • If you are selling a property, get a conveyancing quote before then and lock in the lower rates.
Conveyancing attorney at her desk on the lawn outside a house Drawing of lawyer standing in front of house with sold sign Sign outside of offices used by "Boshoff Attorneys, Notaries &  Conveyancers".

Lady Justice standing in front of a house with a sign saying URGENT SALE Newlands on Main building in Claremont

Attorney drafting a last will and testament

Book: Meyerowitz on the Administration of Estates and their Taxation


List of assets for both parties in an divorce accrual calculation template

Transfer attorney signing quote with client

Commercial property with a for sale sign and a conveyancing lawyer

Father with children

Husband wife fighting over money in a courtroom with judge shouting


Photo of couple getting married with coins and a gavel

Lawyer drafting document with old quill pens

Marriage counsellor in a session with a husband and wife

Easter weddding fighting

Recent property law news

Entrance to Howard Studios in Pinelands, where Schuld Inc Attorneys have their offices

Lawyer showing money


Conveyancing books: (1) The Practitioners Guide to Conveyancing and Notarial Practice (2) Consolidated Chief Registrar of Deeds' Circulars and Conference Resolutions, (3) The Law and Practising of Conveyancing in South Africa

Recent articles on marriages

Articles on divorce law

Certificate with "Faux Divorce" written on it, and a broken heart

Popular Divorce topics

Lady Justice

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